At Jobcase for partners, we have developed Candidate Search, an automated system for candidate matching powered by...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool in many ways. In recruiting, it helps automate tasks that most recruiters...
This hiring activity provides hopeful signs for the economy, and a reminder that many sectors will start to add staff -- and replace laid off workers -- as demand grows.
Virtual career fairs -- like other virtual events -- are gaining traction during COVID-19. With the right tools, technology...
This is the perfect time to catch site visitors with links to your job board and Post a Job page. We are providing digital ad assets for you to use on your website.
Here are a few articles - from the Harvard Business Review, Global Wellness Institute, and Psychology Today - that will help with focus and control.
Dear Community Member, As the latest news about coronavirus evolves, we know that you may be facing a myriad of challenges.
Dear Community Member, As the latest news about coronavirus evolves, we know that you may be facing a myriad of challenges.
Many large businesses already enjoy the benefits of an applicant tracking system (ATS) to track and manage candidates, create talent pools, and shorten the overall recruitment cycle.